Command toolbox

The command toolbox allows to manage the hacking tools used by Jok3r.

usage: python3 toolbox <args>

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                    show this help message and exit

Toolbox management:
  Tools are classified by services they can target into the toolbox. Tools that may be used against various
  different services are grouped under the name "multi".

  --show <service>              Show toolbox content for a given service
  --show-all                    Show full toolbox content
  --install <service>           Install the tools for a given service
  --install-all                 Install all the tools in the toolbox
  --update <service>            Update the installed tools for a given service
  --update-all                  Update all installed tools in the toolbox
  --uninstall <service>         Uninstall the tools for a given service
  --uninstall-tool <tool-name>  Uninstall a given tool
  --uninstall-all               Uninstall all tools in the toolbox
  --fast                        Fast mode, disable prompts and post-install checks

Show the Toolbox content

  • --show <service>: Display the list of tools that target the specified service. Use multi as parameter to display the tools that target multiple services (e.g. Nmap, Metasploit…)
  • --show-all: Display all the tools in the toolbox.


The toolbox is defined in the configuration file settings/toolbox.conf. It can be easily customized in order to add new tools.

Install the Tools

  • --install <service>: Install the tools that target a given service.
  • --install-all: Install all the tools in the toolbox.


For installing a tool, Jok3r runs the command(s) that is(are) defined as value for the key install into the [toolname] section, in the settings/toolbox.conf file.

Update the Tools

  • --update <service>: Update the tools that target a given service.
  • --update-all: Update all the tools in the toolbox.


For updating a tool, Jok3r runs the command(s) that is(are) defined as value for the key update into the [toolname] section, in the settings/toolbox.conf file.

Uninstall the Tools

  • --uninstall <service>: Uninstall the tools that target a given service.
  • --uninstall-tool <tool-name>: Uninstall a given tool.
  • --uninstall-all: Uninstall all the tools in the toolbox.


By default, when installing/updating/uninstalling tools in the toolbox, Jok3r will ask for confirmation for each tool. And after installing or updating a tool, it will also ask the user to check if it has been correctly installed. To do so, Jok3r runs the command defined in check_command into the [toolname] in the settings/toolbox.conf file, and then it asks the user whether everything seems ok (i.e. no error is displayed) or not.

This has been designed this way essentially for debugging purpose, and human interaction can be avoided by adding the option --fast


The commands you will run most of the time are:

  • Install the whole toolbox, just after installing Jok3r:
sudo python3 toolbox --install-all --fast
  • Update all the tools in the toolbox:
sudo python3 toolbox --update-all --fast