
In Jok3r, settings are fully and easily customizable. This is one of the goal of the tool: Make it evolve quickly. This page explains how settings files stored in the settings/ directory work and can be edited.

Toolbox Settings

Toolbox settings are stored in the file settings/toolbox.conf. This is where all tools used by Jok3r are referenced and configured.

As an example, here is a snippet from the file:


name           = patator
description    = Multi-purpose brute-forcer, with a modular design and a flexible usage
target_service = multi
install        = git clone .
update         = git pull
check_command  = python2.7 -h

name           = clusterd
description    = Application server attack toolkit (JBoss, ColdFusion, Weblogic, Tomcat, Railo, Axis2, Glassfish)
target_service = http
install        = git clone . && sudo pip2 install -r requirements.txt
update         = git pull && sudo pip2 install -r requirements.txt
check_command  = python2.7 ./ -h


Format of this configuration file is pretty straightforward. For each tool, a section is created using the syntax [toolname] and the following options can/must be specified:

  • name (mandatory): The name of the tool as it will be displayed. Authorized charset is [a-z0-9_-].
  • description (mandatory): A Short text describing the tool.
  • target_service (mandatory): Service that can be targeted using this tool (e.g. http for Nikto). For services such as Nmap, Metasploit and so on, that can be used to target several kinds of service, use the special service name “multi”.
  • install (optional): Command-line to use in order to install the tool. It supports the use of some tags (See Tags for Commands). It is considered as optional because Jok3r allows to insert in the toolbox some tools that are not directly handled by it; it is for example the case for Nmap and Metasploit by default. But note that if you don’t supply installation command, you will not be able to control the installation of the tool from Jok3r and it is thus not advised to do so.
  • update (optional): Command-line to use in order to update the tool. Basically, take the same consideration as with the install option.
  • check_command (optional): Command-line to use in order to check for a correct install. Usually, it just consists in running the tool without any argument or with the standard -h option to see if everything seems working well after a fresh install (no dependencies errors or such). This option can be omitted.

Services Settings

For each service, settings are stored in file settings/<service>.conf. There is one configuration file per service which contains global parameters and then the settings related to all security checks (for this service).

Global settings for a Service

As an example, here is the beginning of the configuration file for HTTP, i.e. settings/http.conf:

default_port = 80
protocol     = tcp
categories   = recon, vulnscan, exploit, bruteforce
auth_types   = glassfish, jboss, jenkins, lotusdomino, tomcat, weblogic, websphere, wordpress, joomla, drupal, opencart, magento

https    = boolean
webdav   = boolean
language = list
cms      = list
server   = list

supported_language = java, php, asp, angularjs, coldfusion
supported_cms      = wordpress, joomla, drupal, mambo, silverstripe, vbulletin, magento, prestashop, liferay, opencart, dotnetnuke, django-cms, concrete5, punbb, moodle, cms-made-simple
supported_server   = iis, glassfish, jboss, jenkins, tomcat, weblogic, lotusdomino

Every <service>.conf file begins with special following sections:

  • [config]: The basic configuration about the service. It contains the following options:

    • default_port (mandatory): The default port number for the service.
    • protocol (mandatory): The protocol (tcp or udp) for the service.
    • categories (mandatory): List of different categories of checks supported for the service. Authorized charset is [a-z0-9_-].
    • auth_types (optional): List of authentication types that are supported for the service. Actually, only relevant for HTTP (where there are different possible authentications: Tomcat, JBoss, Wordpress, Joomla…). Authorized charset is [a-z0-9_-].
  • [specific_options]: Contains the list of available context-specific options for the service.

    • For each option, the name (authorized charset is [a-z0-9_-]) is used as key and the type as value. Supported types are:

      • boolean for boolean options. It is also possible to add the default value: boolean:True means a boolean option which value is True if the option is not set. Note that boolean:False is redundant with boolean because False is the default.
      • list for options taking their value into a defined list (in [supported_list_options] section, see below).
      • var for option of type variable.
  • [supported_list_options]: This section is used only if there is at least one context-specific option with the type list.

    • For each option of type list, a key named supported_<optionname> is created and it takes as value the list of authorized/supported values for the option.


For overall consistency, take care to use standard category names, among:

  • recon
  • vulnscan
  • exploit
  • bruteforce
  • postexploit

Security Checks for a Service

For example, here are the settings of two checks as defined inside settings/http.conf:

name        = jboss-deploy-shell
category    = exploit
description = Try to deploy shell on JBoss server (jmx-console, web-console, admin-console, JMXInvokerServlet)
tool        = jexboss
command_1   = python2.7 --auto-exploit --jboss -u [URL] --cmd whoami
context_1   = { 'server': 'jboss', 'auth_status': NO_AUTH, 'auth_type': 'jboss' }
command_2   = python2.7 --auto-exploit --jboss -u [URL] --jboss-login '[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]' --cmd whoami
context_2   = { 'server': 'jboss', 'auth_status': POST_AUTH, 'auth_type': 'jboss' }

name        = web-path-bruteforce-targeted
category    = bruteforce
description = Bruteforce web paths when language is known (extensions adapted) (use raft wordlist)
tool        = dirsearch
command_1   = python3 -u [URL] -e jsp,java,do,txt,html,log -w [WORDLISTSDIR]/services/http/discovery/raft-large-directories.txt -f --exclude-status=400,404,500,000
context_1   = { 'language': 'java' }
command_2   = python3 -u [URL] -e php,txt,html,log -w [WORDLISTSDIR]/services/http/discovery/raft-large-directories.txt -f --exclude-status=400,404,500,000
context_2   = { 'language': 'php' }
command_3   = python3 -u [URL] -e asp,aspx,txt,html,log -w [WORDLISTSDIR]/services/http/discovery/raft-large-directories.txt -f --exclude-status=400,404,500,000
context_3   = { 'language': 'asp' }
command_4   = python3 -u [URL] -e js,txt,html,log -w [WORDLISTSDIR]/services/http/discovery/raft-large-directories.txt -f --exclude-status=400,404,500,000
context_4   = { 'language': 'angularjs' }
command_5   = python3 -u [URL] -e cfm,txt,html,log -w [WORDLISTSDIR]/services/http/discovery/raft-large-directories.txt -f --exclude-status=400,404,500,000
context_5   = { 'language': 'coldfusion' }

Actually, each security check is defined under a section named [check_<check-name>] (authorized charset is [a-z0-9_-]) by using the following options:

  • name (mandatory): The name of the tool as it will be displayed. Authorized charset is [a-z0-9_-].

  • category (mandatory): Category inside which this check is classified. The name of the category must be in the list given in the option categories under the section [config] at the beginning of the configuration file.

  • description (mandatory): Short text describing the check.

  • tool (mandatory): Name of the tool to use in this check. It must correspond exactly to the name which is given in toolbox.conf.

  • Each check is defined by one or several commands to run. For each command, you should consider:

    • command_<number> (mandatory): Command-line to run. It supports the use of multiple tags (See Tags for Commands)
    • context_<number> (optional): Context that must be met to run the corresponding command (See Context Syntax)
  • postrun (optional): Name of a method from Smart Modules to run after each/the command.

Tags for Commands

Commands in settings supports the use of several tags. At runtime, they are replaced by the correct values.

For the commands in settings “install” and “update” in settings/toolbox.conf:

  • [TOOLBOXDIR]: Absolute path of toolbox directory.

For the commands in setting “command_<number>” of security checks in settings/<service>.conf:

  • [IP]: The target IP address.
  • [URL]: The target URL (when target service is HTTP).
  • [HOST]: The target host (if not provided or reverse DNS lookup does not returns anything, IP address is used instead).
  • [PORT]: Target port number.
  • [PROTOCOL]: Protocol to use, either TCP or UDP.
  • [SERVICE]: Target service name.
  • [WEBSHELLSDIR]: Absolute path of directory storing webshells (useful for some exploits against HTTP services).
  • [WORDLISTSDIR]: Absolute path of directory storing wordlists.
  • [USERNAME]: Username for target from credentials store. This tag is supported for Context (See Context Syntax) with auth_status=USER_ONLY (only valid username is known), or auth_status=POST_AUTH (valid username+password are known). If there are several usernames for the target in credentials store, the command is run for every username.
  • [PASSWORD]: Password for target from credentials store. This tag is supported for Context with auth_status=POST_AUTH (valid username+password are known).
  • [LOCALIP]: Local IP address (might be useful for some exploits that perform reverse connection).

Specific tags depending on context-specific options are also supported by the service.

  • For context-specific option of type boolean: [OPTION_NAME true="text to use if option is True"]

  • For context-specific option of type list: [OPTION_NAME element1="val1" element2="val2" ... default="default val" ] If the option has the value “element1”, - respectively “element2” - the tag will be replaced by “val1” - respectively “val2”. If the value of the option does not match anything specified in the tag, the tag will be replaced by “default val” (“default” parameter optional).

  • For context-specific option of type var: [OPTION_NAME set="text _VAR_ text" default="default text"]

    • If variable is set, it is replaced by the text into “set” parameter with “_VAR_” replaced by variable’s value.
    • Otherwise, it is replaced by the text into “default” parameter if existing (optional parameter).

Context Syntax

For each command in setting “command_<number>” of security checks in settings/<service>.conf, it is possible to specify a context. A context defines the required conditions to run the command.

For the setting “command_<number>”, a context can be defined in setting “context_<number>” (<number> must match). The context is defined using a Python dictionary.

Here is an example for a command in a security check against HTTP:

command_2   = python2.7 --auto-exploit --jboss -u [URL] --jboss-login '[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]' --cmd whoami
context_2   = { 'server': 'jboss', 'auth_status': POST_AUTH, 'auth_type': 'jboss' }

The value of “context_2” means that “command_2” must be run if and only if the following conditions are met:

  • The context-specific option server == 'jboss', i.e. the target HTTP service is using JBoss server.
  • Valid credentials for JBoss on the targeted service are present in the credentials store in the database.

More generally, conditions that can be defined in context are:

  • Values of context-specific options,

  • Authentication status on the target via the key auth_status that can take either of the following values:

    • NO_AUTH: No credentials are known,
    • USER_ONLY: At least one username is known,
    • POST_AUTH: Valid credentials (username+password) are known,
    • None: Any status.


For HTTP only, if auth_status is used to define a context, it is mandatory to specify for which kind of authentication does that must apply via the key auth_type (in the previous example, it was for “jboss”).